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We build your tailor-made solutions in the field of the graphic industry. CODEGENETIC, specialist in graphic arts support, supports you in developing your turnkey projects. 


Printing is an essential part of communication. With traditional issues being joined by a whole new set of challenges, it's fair to say that, from inflation to cash flow, there's a lot to overcome to be successful in the print industry right now.

Every professional printer, from flexible packers to fast print companies, is feeling the impact on their people, processes and profits. The only way to keep up with trends and stay on top of crowded competition is to step back and update your production processes and technology 


market in terms of volume, printed packaging represents in 2012 nearly 40% of the turnover of the graphics industry.


This is the number of printing works established in Morocco, including 247 based in Casablanca


Manufacturers of printed packaging, who work on corrugated cardboard, flat, flexible or adhesive label


manufacturing sites focus on the Casablanca region but also in Tangier


Fortunately, technology solutions and advancements can help circumvent many of these issues by streamlining workflows and processes, reducing execution costs, and creating automations that save time and money.

Utiliser la voie de l'automatisation

L'équilibre ici dépend des projets d'impression que vous entreprenez et des avantages de production que vous pouvez tirer de la technologie qui automatise le processus. En effet, l'automatisation consiste à supprimer le temps, les coûts et les erreurs humaines de la production d'impression. Plus le volume est élevé et plus la tâche est répétitive, plus le gain potentiel d'un investissement dans l'automatisation est important.

Si vous travaillez sur des impressions personnalisées à faible volume, vous pouvez optimiser votre investissement en choisissant des technologies qui améliorent vos capacités plutôt que d'accélérer votre flux de travail.


La solution d'automatisation des flux prépresse Enfocus Switch proposée par Codegenetic permet aux imprimeurs de simplifier et d'automatiser les processus de prépresse pour produire des impressions personnalisées en temps réel tout en réduisant les erreurs humaines et en augmentant la qualité du travail.



Chez Codegenetic, notre mission est de digitaliser et de simplifier la chaine graphique pour les imprimeurs, en leur fournissant des solutions logicielles innovantes et personnalisées. Nous nous engageons à aider nos clients à optimiser leur production, à améliorer leur rentabilité et à gagner en efficacité, en leur offrant des outils de gestion de production avancés et des solutions d'automatisation de flux prépresse.

Notre vision est de devenir le partenaire de référence des imprimeurs pour leur activité en ligne en leur offrant des solutions logicielles de pointe pour répondre à leurs besoins spécifiques. Nous visons à être à l'avant-garde de la technologie et de l'innovation dans le domaine de la chaine graphique, et à fournir des services de qualité supérieure pour aider nos clients à réussir dans un environnement concurrentiel en constante évolution.


Entrust the realization to our team of experts!

CODEGENETICprovides a wide variety of services to support businesses of all sizes. SMEs, local or multinational companies, we support you towards success. Contact us today to find out about our services.

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Production management software

Our tailor-made solutions in the field of software development can be adapted to the most diverse work processes and requirements, which we determine during a careful preliminary needs analysis and, thanks to our agile method, constantly refine them accordingly. customer requirements.

This solution automates key elements of your print workflow, reducing touchpoints, streamlining operations and maximizing your business growth.


Workflow Automation 

Switch is a modular platform that
grows with your business. Engine
Switch is essential for automating
basic elements and can be extended
with a range of modules and applications. Scale the solution
depending on your workload.
Start small, grow.

Increase your productivity by automating repetitive tasks in your print workflow. Automate your flow to avoid an error that could jeopardize your production.


Pre-press support

Accelerate the training of your teams to gain in competitiveness.

Respond to the issues of your projects with an expert eye and a field approach to offer you a tailor-made solution

To help you define your material investments Respond to your prepress issues

CODEGENETIC supports you in setting up prepress within your company. Organize tasks in order to have stability and reliable reproduction of operations

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Web-to-print development 

As a web agency, experts in e-commerce services, we offer our clients a wide range of solutions including strategic consulting,
creative design, online marketing, development, hosting
as well as corrective and evolutionary maintenance. Ultimately, the success of our
customers is our fundamental goal.

We have developed a method
simple and effective, based on a process that brings together all the steps
necessary for the success of an e-commerce project, whatever the stage at which we intervene.

Brochure commerciale Codegenetic 2023.pdf (1).png

Create personalized workflows for each production station (file processing, printing, cutter, ...) and quickly visualize with ease.)

Digitalisez votre métier 

Notre vidéo de présentation a été conçue pour vous donner un aperçu de qui nous sommes et de ce que nous faisons. Elle met en avant nos valeurs fondamentales, notre expertise et notre engagement à fournir des produits et services de qualité supérieure.

Découvrez le témoignage de monsieur Younes Benchekroun, directeur de l'imprimerie Direct Print, partenaire de notre entreprise depuis plus d'un an et demi. 

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Contact us to discuss your printing project

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Merci pour votre envoi !

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